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We Are Committed to Maximum Results

We focus on improving yield, quality of taste, quality of appearance, nutrient value, shelf stability, and pest and disease resistance. This means higher profits for your farm. The check book improves by investing in the Earthrive methods and programs

Scroll through down the page for some real results

Hibiscus treated vs.


The amazing dark green and lushness is a stark contrast from its untreated friend. It was a test doing some foliar treatments early on in the infancy of the surfactant mineral fertilizer technology.

Giant Radishes,


This was grown by a hobbyist gardener at home. Near miraculous size, and yet the flavor is reported as tasty. The produce doesn't lose its quality in flavor, which an Amino sugar test will show.

Hibiscus treated vs.


The amazing dark green and lushness is a stark contrast from its untreated friend. It was a test doing some foliar treatments early on in the infancy of the surfactant mineral fertilizer technology.

Giant Radishes,


This was grown by a hobbyist gardener at home. Near miraculous size, and yet the flavor is reported as tasty. The produce doesn't lose its quality in flavor, which an Amino sugar test will show.


The are 1.5 to 2x their normal size, according to grower. And they don't lose their flavor; it only gets better and the Brix shows..

Almonds Are Shaping Up

nicely in a short time

  • Red ribbons down below. were marked at the flush tips the day of the last fert and foliar applications; 14 days ago (10-3-20). Over 3' of growth in the last 14 days;

  • Picture to the right is same block back on 3/3/20. Earthrive Program started just prior to this; The overall growth in 7 months is impressive; full and lush and ready to set fruit (nuts).

  • This is a 2-year-old tree planted block. Powered by;

  • Powered by;

    Aragonite, Cal-Sil, HCF and other critical custom blends.

    Grape Vines flourish with

    new growth after foliar


  • So thankful as they have been struggling to set growth; and production for awhile. This is after the first injection a week later over a 1000 acres

  • We are so happy for the Vineyard;

  • Beautiful Flush and healthy.

  • Hopefully on our way to an eye popping fruit set this spring;

  • From Pearce Disease

    to near Perfection

    This is a vineyard in Southern CA. They have been on program for about 6 years with NO pest and diseasel They had many problems to start due to the fungicides, sulfur and typical program. Many of their vines were in bad shape, peace disease had set in, which was cured. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words!

    Harvesting Young Grape Vines is now possible

    Picture on left: 18 of these 30 acres are 3-year-old vines that have been raised in the Earthrive program and have produced grapes for the last two years of production! This is special because the industry does not see normal production until around 5 years on average. 

    Picture below: 10 Month old vines on the program are preparing for a harvest! Is this normal or possible? Incredible!

    Citrus is on the "Up and Up"

    Like most crops they had small size, poor color and quality; especially on the interior of the tree; So all we did here is strengthen the immune system; Lower excesses and raise the deficiencies

    Basically NO calcium when we started

    Fruit size is up from 88 per box, to average 60 per box That is 31.82% more boxes by sizing the existing fruit up; And all fruit colored very nicely; even in the interior of the tree More pound solids and very juicy

    Still dealing with aluminum cleanup And you can see if you zoom in the trees are still flushing also As this is the absolute worst time of year for this to happen With the sap going down at the winter solstice; Our hope is spring flower will be epic for the farmer

    Picture below, Grower called and asked if the Blue Gold will change the cell structure of the trees;?

    We asked define what you are referring to; “cell structure changing”

    He said the branches are now like bamboo fibers real strong as in a good thing they have not seen before

    We said yes you will see the tree/plant fibers strengthen from the Silica, Calcium and Phos; and balancing nutrition

    Abnormal Citrus Flush surprises farmer

    An additional fruit set and flush happening out of norm for this grower of both lemons and oranges. We've done a fert and a foliar treatment to lower excesses; get the nutritionals in. Look at the small fruit sets coming out of older and new flush!

    Marigolds beat killing frosts

    We have seen and heard the same with all crops, including the more delicate crops.

    Strawberries still coming in Michigan in October

    Strangely enough, a grower had to send this in as it is still hanging fruit outside. 

    Tomatillo Show off

    Tomatillo from Baja, Mexico: This tomatillo was grown with our program. They sent it to us at the offices to show it off. They were awed at the size of the fruit and the harvest yield. The top tomatillo is right at 4.5 months old, and you can see it is just starting to dehydrate. High BRIX nutritious fruit will not rot; instead it will dehydrate as you see here. A great sign showing our Base Blend is working!

    Abnormal Avocados?

    Is this a normal size avocado for Florida!?!?! Nope

    Pineapples, Galore!

    6 pineapples from 1 plant?! Usually, pineapples only produce 1 (rarely, 2) on one plant.

    Pineapples, Galore!

    6 pineapples from 1 plant?! Usually, pineapples only produce 1 (rarely, 2) on one plant.

    Pineapples, Galore!

    6 pineapples from 1 plant?! Usually, pineapples only produce 1 (rarely, 2) on one plant.

    Paypayas for Quality and Nutrition

  • Gabriel is a retired hobby grower on Lake Placid Fla; who was raised in the spice islands, west indies and loves his fresh fruits daily.

  • He has about acre of 20 differing varieties fruit trees.

  • He came to us about a year and a half ago; very disappointed in all aspects of growing.

  • Spraying the cides (fungicides/ pest etc) as much as weekly and salt fertilizers with no quality or production.

  • After year and a half with no chemicals; the quality is very high and the production is X ++ of what was before; especially the sizes

  • Very happy now that his breakfast each morning looking over the lake has fresh everything included

  • Still high salt excesses in the soil so we just added more carbon

  • Zoom in on the fruit set clusters

  • We hope this helps to build, hope in your grow;

  • Mother CBD plant and clones are stacking like never before

  • Just barely starting but I’m real happy to see the things I’m seeing on my Mother plants. Will have to get a sap test soon to see what’s going on.

  • I feel like I’m starting to see the Ca growth pattern. They are stacking closer than I have ever seen them with substantial lateral branching and the leaves are getting bigger.

  • Insane Trichromes

    My best friend and I have had this genetic for almost 10 years now. We haven’t seen it this good EVER. 

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